
The Electoral College Should Be Replaced

Decent Essays

A debate has been brewing in recent years about the way we elect our president. The first system is the Electoral College which is very complicated. Americans are not knowledgeable about it and worry that one candidate can win the popular vote and not the Electoral College. The opponents of the Electoral College propose a new plan called the National Popular Vote (NPV). The pro-Electoral College party think the bill’s risks and costs are not worth the possibility of some gains for certain states. The NPV believes that the US should adopt the National Popular Vote. NPV does well in making a clear and concise argument on why the Electoral College should be replaced. The first item that NPV discusses is the shortcomings of the current system. This is a smart move to describe everything that is wrong with the Electoral College and then immediately follow up with their idea. NPV displays how that the winner-take-all system is the root of the problem. This system allows for candidates to ignore states and candidates to win without popular vote nationwide. The argument is unblemished in the essay but in the next essay that we read the author says NPV is promoting winner-take-all. This is creating a problem on both sides of the argument and discredits, causing a big weakness. NPV states, “presidential candidates have no reason to poll, visit, advertise, organize, or campaign in states that they cannot possibly win or lose” (Rourke, 145. Their argument is also supported by

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