
The Effects Of Caffeine On The Central Nervous System

Decent Essays

Caffeine is an alkaloid discovered in 1819 by Friedlieb Runge and a German baron known as
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Caffeine is a crystalline compound that is found in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system. It is a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 also found in cacao and kola nuts and is used as a stimulant.
Caffeine is a stimulant used to make us feel as though we’re awake. Caffeine actually doesn’t give us energy at all, it just tricks our brain into thinking we aren’t tired. It’s most popular usage I noticed in fellow college students is energy drinks, sodas and even medication, whether they be over the counter or given by a doctor. Caffeine is used as an artificial energy, when are bodies are prepared to shut down and sleep, a pill can be popped or an energy drink can be had to get the pick me up feeling that many students take to get an assignment done or to study for finals. Caffeine can cause sleep loss when abused. Although there are people, such as myself, who can have a large intake of caffeine and feel fine face many dangers of caffeine abuse and even overdose. Overdosing can cause many health issues such as irregular heartbeat and seizures. There are people who are very sensitive to caffeine intake and they are advised to stay away from taking too much and they have to very carefully watch their diet. The symptoms of caffeine overdose includes: dizziness, insomnia, fever and irritability. The symptoms of a more severe and dangerous

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