
The Effects Of Adhd On Children With Adhd

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INTRODUCTION ADHD is a very common neurodevelopment disorder of childhood. It is usually diagnosed in late childhood, around the age of seven by the teachers. The symptoms are typical during ages 3-6 and if not treated properly becomes chronic and persists even after entering adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, staying organized and controlling impulsive behaviors. It is very difficult to diagnose and when undiagnosed the children can grow to be mislabeled as trouble makers in their adulthood. PREVELANCE OF ADHD Children & Adolescents Analysis of parent-reported data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2011–2013 found that 10% of children ages 4–17 years were diagnosed with ADHD (Pastor et al. 2015) Boys (13.3%) are twice more affected by ADHD than girls (5.6%)(Pastor et al. 2015). A similar study found that the prevalence rate of ADHD diagnosis increased from 7.0% in 1997–1999 to 10.2% in 2012–2014(ADHD General Prevalence. (2014). Adults According to the screening results for ADHD conducted for ages 18–44 by the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) showed that almost 5% of US adults suffer from ADHD. Of those, 40% are women and 60% are men (Kessler et al. 2006) ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ADHD Disease Burden A Meta-analysis of 175 research studies worldwide on ADHD prevalence in children aged 18 and under found that a total of 7.2% suffer from ADHD(Thomas et al. 2015) (ADHD General Prevalence. 2014). The US Census Bureau

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