
The Developmental Cascade Model : Create Criminal Justice Programming Essay

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Using the Developmental Cascade Model to Create Criminal Justice Programming Addressing Sexual Revictimization in Survivors of Childhood Sexual Assault Studies have shown a clear correlation between childhood sexual assault (CSA) and negative sexual experiences later in life. Of relevance to the criminal justice system, these later forms of sexual victimization include sexual assault and sex work. The relationship between CSA and adverse sexual development is a correlation between two things, not a direct pathway from cause to effect. While survivors of sexual assault are at a higher risk of experiencing these later forms of victimization, this correlation represents a highly complex process involving a wide range of mediating factors and the intersections between them. Any experience of sexual assault is highly traumatic. Survivors of CSA, however, represent a unique population, because their trauma occurs near the start of the human developmental process and therefore alters all development thereafter. Developmental cascades are like a snowballing effect of the many interactions between different domains over time resulting in different developmental pathways and outcomes (Masten & Cicchetti, 2010). A downwards cascade refers to when a certain experience changes the functional system of a child, thus altering how the victim responds to and interacts with their environment. Competence in early developmental challenges provides the foundation for competence in

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