
The Death Penalty And Its Effects On America

Better Essays

The Death Penalty
Monique C. Wilder
LaGuardia Community College

This paper will discuss the Death Penalty. It analyzes the effectiveness of the death penalty. It covers the history of the death penalty as our nation shifts through various eras in its history, as well as the historical background of the death penalty in New York. It considers all factors such as crime rates, deterrence, the rights of the people, and consequences of the death penalty. Analogies were made of areas all over the country as to what degree the death penalty effects crime all around. It concludes this paper by reflecting on the information provided of the death penalty and provide an alternative to it.

The Death Penalty

The death penalty is an important and ongoing debate in the United States. The death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. The death penalty, also known as capital punishment; it is the only punishment that leaves no room for mistakes.
Adversaries of capital punishment have argued time and again differing reasons why the death penalty is a cruel punishment, nevertheless the Supreme Court of the United States has not complied. Individuals argued on this topic on the account that it increases taxpayer revenue, it goes against every religion, innocent people have been executed, and there isn’t any evidence that the death penalty deters crime. The death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment

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