
The Dangers Of Teen Driving

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Introduction Teen driving allows American youth to have their license between the ages 13-15. At this age, our American youth are more likely to be careless while driving without supervision. The younger teen drivers are the more susceptible to fatal car accidents they will be due to the lack of supervision and proper driver’s education. Lack of maturity and experiences leads to developing poor driving habits. The teens in the age group 16-18 are usually more mature in handling a motorized vehicle. States that allow 13-15 year old teens drive are more likely to get in more car crashes from driving earlier and not having enough experience.

Theoretical Basis: Conflict Perspective The conflict perspective best explains the issue of young teen driving and their high number of crashes. States in America believe that teens should practice to get ready to pass the behind the wheel test. The more people practice behind the wheel, the better they are at driving a motorized vehicle. So, it is important that teens received the best opportunity they can with the behind the wheel driving supervisor in order to potentially reduce fatal car crashes among teens in America.
Individualized instruction is different for each state for behind the wheel. Some states do not have enough supervised hours which puts teens at the top of fatal crash rates. Individual states that have about 40 or more supervised hours and have lower crash rates are for example, the state of Minnesota. This state has 40 supervised hours for teens of which they have to log before they are able to take the drivers test. ( The Children’s Hospital…).
In Minnesota if the parents do not attend the drivers’ education meeting before the class starts their child would have to log 50 hours before they turn 16 to take their driver’s test. This helps since Minnesota has 40 or more supervised hours to practice driving. Minnesota is in the first group for not having fatal car crashes in teens. South Dakota has one of the worst teen fatal car crash rates mostly because they have no supervised hours to meet before they take the behind the wheel test. This demonstrate an example of the conflict theory because due to lack of resources a conflict has occurred for

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