
The Cruelty of Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Animal testing is a completely unnecessary act of cruelty and should not be allowed for various reasons. It is superfluous for innocent animals to undergo chemical testing of any sort, not only do they suffer, but there are other more humane alternatives to test products. Many people who are in favor of animal testing do not know of these safer more humane alternatives. Many methods have been developed to help stop animal testing, and improve the health system of all human beings.
A significant amount of chemical testing is done on animals and is completely unnecessary. Many companies test on animals to evaluate the efficiency of a chemical. When testing on animals they usually check for skin or eye irritation after pouring harsh chemicals onto the shaved skin of a delicate animal, usually a rabbit, or it is dripped into their eyes without any form of pain relief. [1] Not only are they tested upon, but afterwards if they have not already died, they are killed by either: asphyxiation, neck-breaking, or decapitation.
Many drug companies use animals for the “lethal dose” test; they force a defenseless animal to swallow significant amounts of the chemical which is being tested until they determine the dose that will cause death. [2] This type of chemical test on animals causes excruciating pain to them because the chemicals are practically destroying their internal systems as more chemicals are being inserted into their small bodies.
The drug efficiency test is one of the

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