
The Crucible Comparison Essay

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People come and go, but fear remains constant. In 1692, the people of Salem were scared into believing there was witches among them, and in 1950’s the Red Scare destroyed thousands of people's lives by saying they were Communists. Those accused were both witch hunts were put on trial, and in Salem they were killed, and the Red Scare had blacklisted those persecuted. Theres many similarities in "The Great Fear” and a poem on Sacco and Vendetti, Margaret Chase Smith’s speech, and Senator Elizabeth Warren. The similarity are lives being over and the towns, the people who started the mess and, the people who spoke out. In “The Great Fear” it talks about how being put on this list ruined your life, and would hurt your name. The same things happened in The Crucible after the girls would said they saw thwe person with the Devil your life was over, and even if you admitted you're a witch no one in the town would talk to you. This is the same as the blacklist. Just as in The Crucible your life was ruined the same …show more content…

In The Crucible it was Abigail but in The Great fear Joseph R. McCarthy for making people fear the communis. He did this to make people fear communist and gain power himself. They were so scared they were willing to ruin people's life to stop the Communists. McCarthy said things like “ the government is full of Communists” (Oakley 200). In The Crucible the person who started the big mess what was the witch hunt, was Abigail “ we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it - and i'll be whipped” ( Miller 10). Abigail made all the girls dance in the wood so John Proctor would love her. After this, Betty got sick: the girls were afraid about getting in trouble. So, Abigal started to name people in the town who they saw with the Devil and all the girls followed. By doing this the innocent people they named went to court and, if they did not confess they got

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