
The Cotton Gin Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Sally Park
Ms. Feurey
US History
24 November 2015

The Cotton Gin

During the industrial revolution, Eli Whitney’ development of the cotton gin in the year of 1794, was an extremely popular and widely used invention throughout the United States of America. This particular machine, is capable of completely separating the seeds, from what we know as cotton. Prior to Whitney’s generous contribution, manual physical employment was necessary for this job. The cotton gin allowed quicker expansion of cotton, which quickly lead to an increase in the economy in the South. The fact that slaves were used to produce such cotton was one of the main causes for tension between the North and the South. The opposite sides had opposite views and opinions on …show more content…

Although the use of humans was not much of a bad idea, after a certain time period, humans would not have enough energy to keep up their speed and pace. They would eventually end up extremely fatigued, whereas the use of a machine, would eliminate such issues. There was a high demand for cotton, which meant that the use of these devices were more convenient.

Much debate was caused by the fact that the North was anti slavery and the South was pro slavery. Both sides had opposing views about slavery and how it should be dealt with. The North had several negative things to say about it, whereas the South, obviously had a few positive factors to mention. If it were not for the creation of the cotton gin, the conflict between the two sides would have aroused. The South’s main argument was that slaves were mandatory for economic growth, while countless people in the North strongly refuted the statement. The South would have commanded more intense and severe work within the slaves, which would have sparked more discussion about the subject of matter.

The cotton gin decreased the amount of slavery that took place in the South, lessened the dispute due to slavery, and also improved their economic growth. If Eli Whitney never came up with the idea for the cotton gin, none of this would have

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