
What Are The Three Events That Impact Defining Canada

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The three events that have had the greatest impact on defining Canada are The Battle of Vimy Ridge, The Conscription Crisis and lastly, The Great Depression. The Battle of Vimy Ridge, was one of Canada's finest battles of the war, as Canada fought together for the first time. The Conscription Crisis was a defining moment for Canada as this was the first time women could vote and men were also forced to join into the war. The Great Depression was also another defining moment for Canada as Canada independately dealt with their economic issues without help from abroad. These three events all had their parts in shaping Canada as it is today. The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a defining moment in Canada’s history as it represents the “Birth Of A Nation” …show more content…

In 1917, Robert Borden created Conscription to assist in the war effort. Under the Military Service Act, passed in late August 1917, all men aged between nineteen and forty-five were required to enlist in the war. This Act divided the French and English speaking Canadians. It later led to an independence movement for French Canadians, who were against both Conscription and the English Canadians, who were for Conscription. This independence movement by the French speaking Canadians is still evident today in Canada. In 1917, the Wartime Elections Act was passed. It gave wives, mothers and sisters of soldiers the right to vote. It also denied immigrants of certain “enemy countries” the right to vote. (2.) Robert Borden, a member of the Conservative Party, thought by allowing soldiers’ families to vote he would receive more votes and support, assuming that they would be in favour of Conscription. So this led to harsh feelings by certain ethnic groups towards the Conservatives. It also defined how women’s rights would change in Canada. By 1929 women were allowed to be elected to senate and the contribution by women to the war effort changed how people view women. Women were good for more than just looking after children, cooking, cleaning, and so on. This movement began the road toward equal rights between men and women …show more content…

In October 1929, the stock market crashed in the United States. It may have just crashed in the States, but it affected most of the world, including Canada. The crash caused the 1930's to be a period of great depression for citizens and brought the economy into a state of panic. To boost the economy, Canada decided to cut back on military, Canada even reduced it to as low ws 5,000 full - time military personnel. They cut back on military, which then let them to focus more on family and jobs. Well clearly, this was not enough, because The bank of Canada was also established. It established a minimum floor price of wheat. Agriculuture now, had become the most regolated and subsidized in many developing countries to control the problem of the low prices, and income. The International wheat Agreement outlined quotas to control the prices. The Bank of Canada did this because they feared of another depression, so, this was then used to help prevent another one from happening. The Great Depression was such a defining moment for Canada, because Canada dealt with the issues, without looking for financial aid from abroad. Canadians also learned that, in order to keep the economy stable, the country has to take care of its own political, and economic standings. The events that have had the greatest impact on defining Canada are The

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