
The Causes Of Stress In Nursing Students

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Becoming a nurse requires extensive schooling and training that for most students causes considerable amounts of stress to be placed on their success for the future. Nursing school places students in an environment that is rigorous and competitive which in turn results in high-stress levels experienced by these students. The stress inflicted on these students causes them to experience health problems along with deterring them from completing their studies. Additionally, the pressure and struggles these students are facing are being ignored by those placing them under these conditions, ignoring the fact that the educators of these students are responsible for ensuring the well-being of these students. Proven that nursing students experience more stress than the average college undergraduate, the stress inflicted on nursing students by their educational process results in students that are less likely to succeed and that are overall less healthy both physically and mentally.
One negative effect that stress inflicts on nursing students is that elevated levels of stress lead to serious health problems. Stress is proven to be a cause of many difficulties among humans and that extreme amounts can lead to complications later on in life or even an early death. Nursing students are placed under continuous extreme levels of stress throughout the duration of their education. Prolonged periods of stress have been proven to cause serious problems relating to the whole body not

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