
The Categorical Imperative : Immanuel Kant

Decent Essays

The categorical imperative is Immanuel Kant’s improvement on the Golden rule and all rules associated with the Golden Rule. We are called by Kant to act as how we wish all others to act. According to an article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Kant characterized the [categorical imperative] as an objective, rationally necessary and unconditional principle that we must always follow despite any natural desires or inclinations we may have to the contrary” (Johnson and Cureton). The categorical imperative is defined using three statements. Each of the three statements represents a different process, through which a determination is made of whether or not an action has a moral contradiction. If there is a contradiction, the …show more content…

By asking the question, “Is anyone just being treated as a means,” one consequently raises the question, “Are anyone’s human rights being violated here?” Thus, Kant’s categorical imperative is unequivocally related to the idea of universal human rights.
Kant’s reasoning for the concept of universal human rights or human dignity stem from the idea that humans are inherently valuable; they are priceless in themselves, and therefore, conversely earned their human rights at birth. Though Kant places much emphasis on morality, he also holds that morality does not determine the possibility of human rights. The only thing that actualizes the existence of human rights is the human’s existence. Kant recognizes that in a kingdom of ends where everything has either a price or a dignity, anything with a price can be replaced. On the contrary, anything that is above all price, has a dignity (40). As one cannot put a value on a human, humans have dignity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights further supports this when it denotes that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (UN General Assembly art. 1). When one is considering human dignity, I have found that is is beneficial to also consider basic human rights as they relate to said dignity. Once one recognizes that there is an inherent human dignity, it is important to understand what is actually means to respect this dignity. As noted by Fagan, “Kant provides a formulation of

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