
The Branch Davidian Compound Raid

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The Branch Davidian Compound Raid: Waco, TX 1993
On the morning of April 19, 1993, heavily armed FBI and ATF agents moved into the compound puncturing holes in the compound walls so they could pump in tear gas, to flush out the cult members with the least harm. Using loudspeakers, officers told the Branch Davidians no armed assault would be made and to hold their fire. When cult members opened their weapons, the FBI increased the tear gas assault and began firing military grenade launches at the building. At around noon, three fires broke out in different parts of the compound, allegedly set by the Branch Davidians. The fire spread, trapping cult members, while others refused to leave, eventually perishing in the smoke and the blaze (Final 24). In all, only nine people escaped. The remaining 76 cult members, including 17 children, were buried alive by rubble, suffocated by the effects of the fire, or shot/stabbed. Although many people followed this 51 day siege, if someone was to look at the news and see this giant compound on fire with children burning they might wonder, how did this happen? Why was it being aired live? Who shot first? Can you believe this whole incident happened just to serve a search warrant?

Many of those questions still linger around this horrific incident in Waco, TX, my hometown. I was only a baby when this happened, but my dad is a great primary source for this incident. My dad, Van Cammack, used to give flying lessons out of a small grass strip

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