
The Brain and Parkinson´s Patients

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One man, one brain and one hundred trillion synapse. It takes a moment for one to experience damage to ones brain and neurons within the brain and a lifelong journey of recovery. The brain consists of many neurons which are single nerves. This essay intends to discuss whether there is effective recovery from brain damage by describing the intricate process of neural networks in the brain. It will include the fascinating and continuously evolving process of neuroplasticity. It will elaborate on the other therapies that coincide with neuroplasticity within the recovery process. Lastly, the evidence which stands as verification of the theory providing a better understanding for one.
Neural networks are an information processing unit that is made up of neurons. According to Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen it is “…a computing system made up of a number simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs.”(Neural Network Primer: Part 1, Maureen Caudill, Al Expert, February 1989) Therefore these neurons receive signals through dendrites and conduct impulses in a corresponding style recording a visual stimulus within ones brain cells. The activity of one nerve cell directly affects the other nerve cells. Neural networks have the ability to replace functions in targeted areas enabling the damaged areas functions to be reinstalled in other areas. Neural networks are made up of layers that consist of interconnected

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