
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind Essay

Decent Essays

In the story “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” the author and I will prove how hard work is the key to success. Picture a boy going to school late everyday, and rarely ever doing his homework, but still gets A’s and B’s because he is smart. However, then you have a boy that gets to school everyday on time and if he almosts misses the bus, he runs. The boy always does his homework and puts full effort into school but gets C’s. Who would you think would be more successful in life? I would say the C student because he puts hard work and effort in. William and his family are very hard working, and although they may not have everything that others have but they work with what they have. William is a hard worker in so many ways. He wants the best for his family. William is very intelligent however for a while he was not able to go to school due to his family's financial problems but he still manages to go to the library, read books and discover what he likes. In the story it quotes “Perhaps reading could keep my brain from getting soft while being a dropout.” William constantly goes to the library and reads a variety of different books that he finds interesting. He was really interested in physics and the different concepts and theories that it involves. He was really fascinated by a chapter that had to do with magnets and discovered that …show more content…

Everyone has their own struggles here in this world to overcome and encounter many obstacles on their path to success. Every successful person in history has worked hard to gain fame or fortune, hard work is the key ingredient that they all share. William may have not grown up in a wealthy family we’re everything was handed to him, however the struggles and hardships he encountered made him the man be became. If it wasn’t for all the hardwork and effort he put in he may have never survived in life, and for that matter many others may of perished as

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