
The Bible : God And The Earth

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The bible begins with the scripture, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Genesis 1:1. This scripture defines the introductory theme of the bible, God is the creator and God over everything. God assigned positions to entities and defined their functions. Then the main characters of the bible are introduced when God creates humans. God created people in his image, meaning every individual on earth has been created with God’s imprint regardless of their ethnicity or culture. With the creation of Adam and then of Eve the second theme of the bible, relationships, is introduced. God made the Garden of Eden as a place for Him to spend time in relationship with humans. This illustrates the physical type of relationship God had intended to have with humans. In addition, creating Eve as a partner for Adam God established the relationship of marriage (Duvall, Hayes, 2012).
Unfortunately it didn’t take long before another main character is introduced and a resounding theme began. Satan stepped on the scene in the image of a serpent and easily tempted Eve to rebel against God ushering in sin, a separation from God, and death into the world. God offered the world hope when he revealed the serpent will ultimately be crushed and defeated by Eve’s offspring (Duvall, Hayes, 2012). When society accepted evil and sin as a normal behavior another theme is introduced, the cycle of people separating themselves farther from God with only one or two people sustaining

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