
The American Disability Act ( Ada )

Decent Essays

Disability has been a function historical to justify inequality for any disabled people, but in addition has also helped so many women, and minorities. Over the years there have been many models that can explain disability law. There is a social model which argues that it is the environment, that basically caused those traits to limit the functions; therefore creating disability. Another model that people tend to use when looking at disability is the normative claim, which his that disability should be inscribed as a subject of discrimination If you wanted to compare both models, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is correlated with social model, while the discrimination model is link to many other pass precedents. Before the American Disability Act in 1990, disability went through some revolutionary phases. The first, was to be able to define disability properly. Looking back in the past, there have been many features, and true definitions of the word disability. In the 1970s a group called the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation defined disability as the disadvantage or restriction of activity cased by social organizations. U.S disability activists made efforts during the 1970s to form different alliances with the disability community, that protested for the inclusion of disability discrimination under the Rehabilitation act. Thereafter there was a medial model at looking at disability, that views disability as an individual shortfall. In

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