
How Did Andrew Jackson Impact On Society

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Age of Jackson Andrew Jackson was a very controversial President, and had a large impact on our country which shaped it to what it is today. He was loved by many Americans, yet some despised him and his ideas, which was largely due to their race or belief. Despite the hatred that Jackson received, he should be recognized for the enormous impacts he made for our country in its early years.
Andrew Jackson, unlike other politicians, didn’t grown up prestigious and wealthy from a political family. He gained his political status all on his own. Andrew Jackson, before his run in office, became a lawyer and later a planter;. He entered the War of 1812, and was considered a hero. After this, he dedicated a large part of his life to politics. He believed in things like majority rule, and equality among commoners. Andrew Jackson believed in ideas such as strong states, less of a federal government, and staying out of slavery issues. These characteristics were what set him apart from other aristocratic politicians during his time. In the Election of 1824, Jackson ran for president and won the popular vote, however he did not win the majority vote in the electoral college. Therefore, the House of Representatives would be left to decide who would be the next president. John Quincy Adams was running against Jackson. Adams wrote a letter to Henry Clay, a representative, saying that if Clay could convince the House to vote for him, he would give Henry Clay the job of Secretary of State.

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