
The 95 Theses By Martin Luther

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For this essay, I chose the 95 Theses by Martin Luther as my primary source. This primary source is a historical document that cause major uproars throughout Europe. The 95 Theses were written by Martin Luther in October of 1517. The 95 Theses were ninety-five statements written by Martin Luther in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church. They challenged the common practices of the Catholic Church, including indulgences and the authority of the pope. The 95 Theses sparked a theological debate that fueled the Reformation in Europe. I chose this primary source, because I feel like this is one of the most important and most well-known documents in history. In our class, reformation Europe, this is a great document because this document played …show more content…

Peter’s Basilica. Then on October 31, 1517 it is speculated that Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the front doors of a university door. The reason for the massive spreading of the 95 Theses is because of the printing press. The printing press quickly spread the document throughout Germany. This was the start of what is known as the German Reformation. Martin Luther was eventually excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Luther would always refuse to take back what he has said in his documents against the Roman Catholic Church. At the Edict of Worms, Martin Luther was declared a heretic and made him a wanted man. Martin Luther is one of the most important figures of the medieval Europe. This may be another reason the 95 Theses and other doctrines spread so well throughout Europe. The Roman Catholic Church was ringing Martin Luther’s names all throughout the public’s ears. The old saying “any publicity is good publicity” applies in this situation. People could see that Martin Luther was onto something. The 95 Theses were put into vernacular so that anyone could read them for their selves. He gave a voice to many people that would never have a voice and spoke out against the corruptions of the Roman Catholic Church. He gave way to reform throughout the church. Martin Luther and the 95 Theses also gave way to his own form of religion called Lutheranism.

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