
Texting While Driving As A Social Problem

Decent Essays

“Where R U?” Texting While Driving The use of cell phones while driving has become a serious threat to society. Texting is especially dangerous because of the attention it demands from our eyes, hands, fingers and brain. Despite laws, media campaigns and prevention awareness programs, texting while driving still, raising the question of “Why do people do it?” Society has become aware of the social problem and that this behavior exist and labels them as social problems. Texting while driving will be discussed in a functionalist perspective, criminal deviance: functionalist’s view, interactionist perspective and prevention and programs. How does the functionalist perspective view texting while driving as a social problem? A functionalist would view texting while driving as a social problem. Texting while driving involves either sending or reading a text while driving your car. A functionalist view is when one part of the system is dysfunctional (texting while driving) it affects all other parts and creates social problems and leads to deviance and social change. For example, the lines, markings and organization of our roads and highways are like how a functionalist would see society. The lines on the streets are there to guide us in the “right” direction. This social norm is a guideline for expected behavior for society while driving. “Texting while driving is becoming a problem of epidemic proportion, causing thousands of fatalities each year” (Kareklas & Muehling, 2014).

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