
Terrorism : Globalization And Terrorism

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When the attack happened on 9/11, it shattered American’s perception that they were safe within the United States, and basically untouchable. The United States has oceans on the majority of its boarders and where land connects there is either weak or friendly neighbors (Howard & Hoffman, 2012). This helped create that illusion. Since 9/11 policymakers and American citizens have been forced to fight a new kind of war. A war that is more elusive, operates in the shadows from a great distance, but can also be right among us with secret cells and aliases. This new war also takes advantage of America’s industrial and technological advantages, using globalization to their advantage. In addition, may terrorist organizations are becoming more violent, have more financial resources, are well trained and almost impossible to penetrate making America at risk. Terrorists in the past were more focused on the number of people watching not the number of people who are dead. During the 1960s until the 1990s terrorist organizations avoided attacks that would cause high-causality counts because of the negative publicity they would generate (Howard & Hoffman, 2012). They were not concerned with wiping out those who did not conform to their ideology, but wanted to have a seat at the table. However, todays terrorists like al-Qaeda, want nothing to do with sitting at the table. They want to destroy the table and everyone sitting at it. Furthermore, they not worried about the

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