
Technology And The World Of Statistics

Decent Essays

Within the last decade, the United States, and world alike, have both seen vast advances in technology present in households and daily life. Constant internet and social media access pollutes our society with those who constantly find their eyes dried by the impending information on their phones. Aside from texting, our phones, tablets, computers, and televisions present us with much over-looked information, like statistics. This knowledge is presented through reputable sources that litter the internet, so that viewers believe the information they are being fed. Statistics are very powerful; they are figures that are comparable to the absolute truth. Despite their apparent validity, those who generate these numbers are only human and are susceptible to errors, thus making statistics impure and unreliable. The world of statistics is one that may appear very precise at first glance, but with further investigation one can gather that there are many simple errors that may be made through no fault of the investigator. These discrepancies are divulged as a result of not meeting criterion required for a given value to be considered statistically valid. These requirements are numerous and similar, but ultimately, each holds a unique meaning. These include, but are not limited to, construct validity which ensures the experiment and information gathered coincide with the theory being tested. Subcategories of construct validity are inclusive of convergent and divergent validity,

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