
Technology And Technology : Technological Advancements Of Technology

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During Mrs. Burman’s lifetime, many technological advances have occurred. Prior to her lifetime, medical scans of the inside of the body were limited to X-Rays, but during her lifetime, MRI machines and CT scans became a more popular type of scan. Wireless interest also made a major change in technology. It enabled the public to access the array of websites and program on the internet without needing a cord to stay connected, and it made it so people did not need to call the internet, dial up, to wait for the internet to load. In addition, digital cameras sped up the process of photography and made pictures of a higher resolution. Lastly, the Global Positioning System (GPS), when made available to the public, was considered a major technological advancement because it allowed people to know where they were on Earth and where certain locations could be found. Mrs. Burman said she believes over her lifetime technology as developed at an extremely steady pace. For example, computers, as well as Apple and Samsung products consistently update their operating systems. Every few months a new update comes out that shows advances in technology. Furthermore, medicine also advanced at a steady rate. Every year, technology helps to advance the flu vaccination. Because illnesses such as the flu change and adapt as the years go on, the development of new vaccinations must remain steady. Based on the interview and observed behaviors the interviewee possesses mixed opinions towards the

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