
Technology And Technology Essay

Decent Essays

Not only that technology has keeped me close to my family but it also helps to keep me in touch with the world. To clarify, it helps to keep me updated with all the current events. Many times, I have seen an argument or multiple posts about the same event taking place but I do not always know what’s happening. If something is fascinating or influential, I like to go look up the topic and read more about it. Technology has also helped me keep up with the new terminology; every once in awhile I see a new word that everyone is using and it is hard to understand the meaning of a sentence without the definition of the word. Therefore, I go and look up the definition or I read a few more posts to pick up on context clues which would lead me to understand the meaning of the sentence. An example is the world “fleek”;I didn’t know what it meant until I looked it up to make the sentence “I got my eyebrows done, now I’m fleek-ified” make sense. This is one way that technology keep me updated with current events and the new terminology.
Speaking of becoming more connected, wanting to connect with others can facilitate conversation among people. For me, technology has allowed me to stay connected with my close relatives, especially my parents and my best friend. An example of how technology keeps me connected with my parents is through FaceTime, calling and texting. Since I’m about an hour away without traffic from my home, it’s not possible for me to have face-to-face connections with

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