
Tear Of Greif

Decent Essays

The architecture I chose for this module discussion is Tear of Greif created by a Russian architect, Zurab Tsereteli. Zurab Tsereteli was born in Tbilisi to an engineer and a house wife. Tsereteli’s uncle was a famous painter and routinely brought his artists friends to the upcoming architect house. These gentleman and women were the first mentors youthful Tseretilis had in the subject of art. Following high school graduation, he was enrolled in the Tbilisi Arts Academy. During his time at the academy, he produced a wide range of pieces and after his graduation in 1958, Zurab became interested in architecture and was associated with architectural designs in Georgia. ( It was the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Tsereteli created his sculpture dedicated to the ones who lost their life that day. The Tear of Grief located in Bayonne, New Jersey, stands on a water front with skyscrapers of Manhattan located far in the distance. This location was chosen because it “was an arrival …show more content…

Both monuments stand as a memorial site for the victims of the September 11 attacks. Comparable to the Tear of Greif, this monument is also etched with the casualty’s names. The 9/11 Memorial Plaza is an American flag waving and alerting into a flame at the tip. It was designed by Eliezer Weishoff and opened on November 12, 2009, over eight years from the date of the incident (

This specific piece of work can be applied to the memory and history social angle. Tear of Grief Is one of the numerous monuments standing around the globe to remember the lives lost during the September 11 attacks. Each victims name engraved in the sculpture reminds us of the innocent lives who were taken that day and how fast a life can be taken away. 9/11 is a prime topic in history classes and will continued to be remembered today, tomorrow, and

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