
Teachers Should Be Taught In Schools

Decent Essays

The United States, beholds a unique and diverse population of academic students. However, our nation still ranks 17th in educational performance amongst other nations in the world. In my eyes this underachievement is due to the gap of knowledge towards the factors that affects teaching and learning. Teaching is a complex work because it requires a wide range of knowledge and skills( Ed Psych p.4). Educators are accountable for making sure a diverse population attains information that they are required to teach. However, with the immense structured educational system that we have in this country today there are many different approaches that instructors have to take in order to teach their students. Instructors also have to take into consideration the different learning styles students possess. Many academic instructors base their teachings methods on attempts to see high grade performances and standardized …show more content…

Within these core subjects there should be parallels drawn in between them where instructors begin to introduce particular interests that relates to the school material being taught to them. Instructors should then expand on ways that students can use the knowledge they are receiving now to work on making their interests turn into careers when they get out of school. According to David Ausubel, meaningful learning occurs when a learner encounters clear, logically organized material and consciously tries to relate the new material to ideas and experiences stored in long- term memory. Students want to find meaning to what they are learning. They want to find a purpose to obtaining this knowledge other than receiving a letter grade. With showing students a way to apply the knowledge they acquire from core subjects to the career interest of their choice, students will find meaning in retaining more knowledge in whatever subject it may

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