
Tda 2.1 Child & Young Person Development Essay

Better Essays

Kirsty Andrews

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CACHE Level 2 Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools –
Work book 1

Learning Outcome 1.1 ……………………………………………… 3.7

Learning Outcome 1.2 ……………………………………………… 8

Learning Outcome 2.1 ……………………………………………… 9

Learning Outcome 2.2 ……………………………………………… 10

Learning Outcome 3.1……………………………………………… 11 …show more content…

o say no when you ask them to do things |Understand & uses phrases ‘me’ & ‘you’

Knows own first & last name

Speaks in full sentences

Can tell a complete story

Talks of self and others |Interested in people outside the family

Positive attachment to mother |Enjoys interactive games

Takes turns when playing

Strong friendship with another child | |

Age |Physical |Intellectual |Behavioural |Language |Emotional |Social | |4-5


|Can dress & undress themselves

Can brush own teeth

Running at speed

Learning to swing themselves on a swing

Can use the toilet by themselves |Enjoys matching items games

Recognises & identifies bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest

Understands the order of numbers

Identifies & names different colours |Can still demonstrate stubbornness, aggression, kicking, biting and blaming others when they are naughty, especially older siblings |Tells stories of experiences

Plays with words in silly rhymes

Uses new & familiar words

Talks about imaginary situations |Enjoys jokes

Enjoys silly games

Loves to show off

Fear of dark continues

May compete with parent of same sex for attention of other parent

Needs support & reassurance from parent |Often shows sensitivity to others

Shows a sense of humour

Likes to be independent

Affectionate towards others

Plays with other children

Shows concern for

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