
Tax Related Identity Theft Essay

Decent Essays

Understanding Tax-Related Identity Theft
Becoming the victim of identity theft is never something that is a pleasant experience. Along with the fear regarding the actual event, there is also the aftermath that must be considered. It can sometimes take years to completely see the full effects of identity theft, but by learning more about the different types, it is much easier to get started making repairs.
What is Tax-Related Identity Theft?
Tax-related identity theft occurs when a tax return is filed using a stolen social security number. Usually, this is something that will be discovered when you complete your annual taxes. You are most likely to discover that a thief has stolen your social security number and filed a return earlier in the …show more content…

This is also something that you are not likely to notice until you file your taxes for the year.
At this time, the IRS will likely inform you that you owe more taxes than you had expected. Another scenario is that you will receive a penalty for not reporting wages earned for an employer that you are not employed with.
Steps to Take
The first thing that you must do when you have discovered that you are a victim of tax-related identity theft is to notify and file a report with law enforcement. You must then file a second report at or call 1-800-908-4490.
Along with this, you will need to contact all three of the major credit bureaus in order to place a fraud alert on your records. The bureaus that you will need to contact are; Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You will also need to talk to your financial institution and look into closing accounts that have been opened under your name.
Responding to the IRS
One of the most difficult portions of this entire process is the steps that you must go through when responding to the IRS. This is something that can be very complicated and there are specific forms that you must fill out and provide to

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