
Tattoos And Its Effect On Society Essay

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The tattoo is a very old form of body modification, but in spite of that there is still a certain rejection towards those who carry them in a visible area of the body, for some it disfigures what has been created in the image and likeness of God while for others associates this with convicts or gang members mainly because they were one of the first groups to use tattoos to differentiate themselves from the rest of society. But also it is true that there is a very limited understanding about this corporal modification that could be one of the reasons why it can not be appreciated as for how it should be. However, modern society reflects the current popularity of tattooing because it has acquired an entirely artistic meaning to a social expression and a way of identity.
Personally, I believe that tattoos are a form of expression and don 't affect human’s personality. Despite the growing popularity of tattoos in the 21st century, society still has prejudices about this form of body art.
Tattooing has been part of the culture and identity of people through history. This type of body decoration was introduced in the Western Society by the British expeditionary and it has been described since then as a “promiscuous traveling sign, moving literally on the bodies of pilgrims, transported convicts, criminals, sailors, and soldiers.” (Rees, Michael,160) This explains the natural association that has prevailed till these days between tattoos and delinquency. This is associated mainly

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