
Talk Like A Pirate Book Talk Analysis

Decent Essays

Teach Like a Pirate Book Talk Final Paper The time spent reading the Teach Like a Pirate book and attending the related class was worthwhile. Overall, I feel that it enhanced my teaching repertoire and some of the ideas will help me become a better teacher. The book did get repetitive and even "preachy", but the end result was positive. The idea that educators should be willing to go the extra mile to make their lessons interesting by providing a hook is not novel or unique. Those of us who are a bit older were likely exposed to the philosophies and methodologies of the educational guru Dr. Madeline Hunter. In many ways, Teach Like a Pirate is a much simplified regurgitation of Hunter's work, albeit tied to a nautical/pirate theme. The first few chapters of the book were semi-interesting as the author provided specific examples of how he used what Hunter would call "anticipatory sets" to set the stage for his future lessons. Most of the examples were better suited to high school students, but the gist of his ideas were still valid. After the third or fourth chapter, it became apparent that each subsequent section was going to be further examples of potential "hooks" to draw students into lessons or units of study. In many cases, it felt as if the chapters were being drawn out simply to fill pages. That is not to say the information was not useful, only that it was not unique or particularly user-friendly in its layout. …show more content…

In truth, you cannot be reminded too many times about good teaching practices, passion for education, and the need for constant reflection and

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