
Sydney Carton Actions

Decent Essays

Sydney Carton performs many courageous acts that create positive changes for the Evrémonde family’s future. Carton’s actions strive to improve the Evrémonde family’s life, while boldly putting his at risk. His fearless actions reunite the Evrémonde family back together, producing a new, positive outlook of the future for them. When Carton enters Darnay’s prison cell, it is described that Carton, “dressed himself in the clothes the prisoner had laid aside, combed back his hair, and tied it with the ribbon the prisoner had worn” (Dickens 358). Carton acts gallantly in order to salvage Darnay’s life, for he switches places with him in the prison. As a result of Carton’s brave actions, Darnay is free once more to be with his family and lead a

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