
Susie Harvey Murder

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Susie Salmon who died December 6, 1973 was raped and killed by a very sick and twisted man when she was just fourteen. After school one day Susie decided to take a shortcut through a field of corn to her house. Her sick neighbor known as Mr. Harvey had dug out an underground shelter. This shelter is where he would very soon take Susie to rape and kill. As she was going through the field she noticed Mr. Harvey but didn’t know but she had recognized got her into the hole and kills her. She then ends up in even where she finds out she has her own self contained heaven all to her-self. Three days later a man by the name of Len Fenerman calls Susie’s parents which find out that the police have found Susie’s elbow. The police then continue their search by digging up the cornfield a few hours later. However, the snow and rain have completely ruined the crime scene. Although, it did not ruin the books that were found which then was discovered a note from her first and only love Ray Singh which Susie didn’t even have a chance to read. It disgusted Susie that while she was dead in heaven Mr. Harvey just carried on with his creepy life of building doll houses. …show more content…

Basically Mr. Harvey put her body parts into a bag of his that will eventually be hidden in his garage temporarily. While this is happening Susie finds out that he has murdered many other girls before her. Finally, after Mr. Harvey gets out of the shower and places the bag in a safe and throws the safe into a sinkhole not to far away from his home. Susie’s father is very upset on December 23 two days before christmas and smashes ships that were in bottles that him and Susie had made when she was still alive. Luckily Buckley Susie’s four year old brother finds him and brings him back to. Would you blame him though after all his daughter was just murder by a freak that enjoys building

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