
Supporters and Oppostion to The Death Penalty Essay

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One of the most widely debated and criticized methods of punishment in the United States is the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty is an issue that has the United States quite divided. While there are many supporters of it, there is also a large amount of opposition. Currently, there are thirty-three states in which the death penalty is legal and seventeen states that have abolished it according to the Death Penalty Information Center. There is no question that killing another person is the most atrocious criminal act that one can commit. I am not sure why, but it seems that the United States government is being hypocritical when it says that capital punishment is acceptable because a criminal did murder an innocent victim, and therefore …show more content…

They should be sought out and punished for crimes against humanity. There also should be an international coalition brought together to observe every execution to make sure nations abide by rules and regulations set forth by the international community. A total 139 countries has abolished the death penalty around the world (Sangiorgio, 2011). Support and the demand for the end of the death penalty are growing stronger every day and this article shows that the death penalty isn’t as popular as it used to be among people. Not only around the world is there a declined use in the death penalty but take for instance religion and its role in the Death penalty. Individuals growing up in the southern Bible belt typically have a more conservative view and hold that the bible supports the death penalty. Those in the liberal states usually do not support the death penalty and argue that the bible supports life and does not support killing people (Miller, 2008). On another note if you completely remove religion from the table younger people today typically do not hold the death penalty as justifiable means of punishment than those maybe growing up in the 1900’s. Men also have a harder view on crime and are very supportive of the death penalty than women are. Women tend to show a little more forgiveness and hope for criminals than men do (Miller, 2008). Belief in

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