
Summary Of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

Decent Essays

Ursula Le Guin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” is a plotless, philosophical fiction. Written in 1973, Le Guin tells the dark narrative of a fictional town which lives in peace with itself. The seemingly happy town houses a dark secret, one so dark that citizen’s of the town leave to escape it. Ursula Le Guin does this by using authorial intrusion, withholding information, and encouraging her readers to think. Le Guin has written “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” in such a way that its interpretation depends on the reader and not the text. It is the reader's perspective in life and the world that shapes the image he perceives while reading this story. The citizens of Omelas are referred to as they while everyone who does not live in Omelas is referred to as we to show that they are separate from us. The author does this early in the story to show the reader that the people in Omelas are not like the reader. They are very different. Le Guin continues with this strategy when she plays with the minds of the readers by suggesting ideas into the heads of the readers then shortly afterwards she retracts these ideas. A great example of this is when she suggests there is a King who is on a stallion and surrounded by knights, but in the next line tells us that there is no King. This procedure has the reader picturing an image then later having to dismiss this image time and time again. This style is very clever because it keeps the reader interested and guessing

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