
Summary Of The Book 'True Legend'

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My question to you is if you were an adult and parent, would you recommend this book to child? Drew is a superior high school basketball player known in the state of California as Drew "True" Legend. True struggles with the fact of not having a father, since his walked away when he was a young. Until he moved from New York when the guy who "recruited" him to move and give his mom a new job. True starts the season with a spark and carries the team. He has trouble with the school and eventually the law, until helping out a Streetball legend. As a parent i would personally like my child to read True Legend a novel written by Mike Lupica because it relates to lessons that we can use in our everyday lives,loyalty, shows honesty, and to never give up on anything you start, even though True gets into trouble throughout the book. Loyalty is trait that every person in the world should have. An example of loyalty is when …show more content…

Urban Sellers is a man that Drew won't give up on. The first time True met this man was midnight at Morrison Park, the time that True has always trained. He saw some man playing basketball, he was doing all the moves that True has wanted to do. He was watching this guy shoot for over an hour, this man not even noticing until... Drew approached the court an all of a sudden the man vanished, nowhere in sight. True was confused, how can someone just disappear like that. After True watched him for the next a few nights, True notices that he was also beginning to come to his high school games. Drew one night decides to follow him back to his apartment, and gets invited into Urban's room by the doorman. Once True and Urban start talking, he realizes that Urban is the perfect guy to do his english project on. In exchange for Urban getting his diploma, which he never received. If you do not succeed the first time you should keep trying till you accomplish what you are doing or that

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