
Summary Of Remember The Ladies By Abigail Adams

Decent Essays

Abigail Adams wrote a letter to her husband John Adams called Remember the Ladies. Abigail is writing this letter during the Revolutionary War. The timing of the letter is significant because the country is at war for freedom and equality. In her letter Abigail pleas with her husband for women’s equality. Abigail’s purpose for writing to John regarding women’s equality is so that he will think of women as they adopt new laws. Throughout the letter Abigail uses different points of view, word choice, and varying tones to persuade her husband to see the need for laws that are considerate of women. Abigail Adams is making a plea for equality for women and for herself. This can be seen when she uses the points of view you, I, your, ours and us at different points in her letter. “That your Sex are Naturally Tyrannical is a Truth so thoroughly established as to admit no dispute, but such as you wish to be happy willing to give up the harsh title of Master for the more endearing one of Friend (24).” Abigail uses I and you because she is referencing their own relationship and the equality she wants in their marriage. She does this to show how it affects them personally.
Abigail changes her point of view again, this time for a larger purpose. “Why then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the Lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity and impunity (24).” Abigail’s use of the word us shows she is no longer posing her argument from a personal stance, but to include all

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