
Summary Of Neighbors By Raymond Carver Neighbors

Decent Essays

Alexxis Euan
Ms. Martin
AP Literature
September 14, 2017 Neighbors Point of View Essay

Through Raymond Carver’s minimalist styled writing, comes “Neighbors,” a story about a seemingly ordinary couple who live dreary and plain lives. In the first few paragraphs we have a detailed description of the type of people, the relationship, and occupations Bill and Arlene Miller have. Later on, the story begins to spark a more dark and mysterious conflict by unraveling the Miller’s strange obsessions. Carver uses third person objective point of view to add onto his technique of simplistic writing & to create a more intense mystery.

In the beginning of Neighbors, the reader is introduced to Bill and Arlene Miller. Carver describes their lives and how miserable they seem to be. This is until their neighbors, the Stones, go away for a vacation and their apartment is left for Bill and Arlene to watch. Once they leave, the strangeness begins to occur. Bill and Arlene seem to find comfort in going to the Stones’ apartment where we notice their odd actions. The Millers seem to find any excuse to go to the Stones apartment, making their plain lives a bit more exciting and sparking a connection between the two. Even their sex lives are described to be more intense. At this point, Bill and Arlene do pointlessly bizarre things that are completely unjustified. The short story goes from the characters rummaging through the medicine cabinet to Bill standing in Ms. Stones underwear and brassiere with no reasoning or thoughts. As well as when Arlene goes to their apartment for an extended amount of time she comes back with only an explanation of “It’s funny... going into someone’s place like that.” Because the story is told in third person objective, we don’t have any explanation of Bill and Arlene’s confusing and creepy actions.

Carver’s use of third person objective affects the story by helping his writing technique of extreme simplicity. Because we can’t see into any of the characters minds, less details are presented, leaving the story more plain. “‘I couldn’t wait’ he said. That night they made love again.” This quote shows Carver’s flat prose. There are an abundance of descriptive actions and dialogue

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