
Summary Of A Reflection On The Revolution In France

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After watching The Square and reading the Reflection on the Revolution in France, I find it’s plausible to say that Edmund Burke will disagree with the Egyptian revolution for three reasons.
First of all, regarding the purpose of revolution, Edmund Burke holds a different view with the Egyptian revolutionaries. In the Reflection on the Revolution in France, Burke points out “The revolution was made to preserve our ancient indisputable laws and liberties, and that ancient constitution of government which is our only security for law and liberty… the very idea of the fabrication of a new government is enough to fill us with disgust and horror”(Burke, 117). Edmund Burke believes that the goal of revolution is to secure the inherited rights and forefathers’ legacies. He suggests that instead of demolishing the castle, which means to depose the former government, it is better to repair it, which means to reform and improve its imperfect parts, laws for example (Burke, 121). Thus, in his prospective, the idea of overthrowing the regime is extremely undesirable and ineffective, comparing to the idea of reforming the old system and “making compromises” with different political forces (Burke, 122). However, according to The Square, for Egyptian revolutionaries, the ultimate purpose of the revolution is to completely abandon the old regime, to remove the whole political system, together with its laws, its ruler, its government, institutions and militaries, and to rebuild it by

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