
Success And Personal Success

Decent Essays

Success is more than the definition that society has created over the course of the years. Being successful in society is very different than actually being successful in my opinion. Success in my opinion is having the courage, strength and the ability to work hard towards your goals no matter what. Also at the same time being humble and able to appreciate what you have accomplished by not bragging your success to someone who is lesser than you. When I was young, I always wanted to drive a brand new Land Rover and live in a mansion with my husband and kids. I was always going to have the latest and greatest inventions and wear the best clothing brands. I would make sure that my kids had everything that they needed and make sure that I …show more content…

I feel that I will be more successful and it will help me be more well rounded if I was able to study abroad. Ultimately after college I want to be able to provide and take care of my own family. I also want to be someone that my friends, co-workers and anyone around me will be able to count on me no matter what. After I graduate from Endicott and receive my diploma, I will feel that I have taken the right steps in being able to be one of the most successful. I want to be able to tell my kids about all the great times I had at Endicott and how proud I am to have gone to such an amazing school that has contributed to my success in so many ways. This will allow me to look back and appreciate the friends I had made, the experiences I encountered, and the amazing education I received. Endicott will help me succeed professionally in various ways. Since Endicott is just twenty minutes from Boston and the best hospitals in the area there will be a lot of internships that will be available to me. When I walk into these internships on my first day, I will be excited for the work force in the moment and for after my education at Endicott. I feel that I will be better prepared for the real world work force compared to most of the other college students. I will have the knowledge and experience to succeed in whatever path I choose to take later on in life. For me to be truly successful in life, I feel that it is when I give my best, and know I have tried my hardest. Endicott

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