
Subliminal Messages Should Not Be Legal

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Subliminal messages
Edianis Seda

Advanced Placement Psychology
Mr. Cuetara
June, 4th 2015 Abstract
Subliminal messages are messages that are perceived in the unconscious mind that most of the time we are not aware of. These messages are mainly designed to influence that way we think and feel. They are used to get people to buy products from their company. Subliminal messages can be perceived auditory or visually. Subliminal messages should not be legal and should be banned from being used in advertisement for it can lead to negative results. There should be another way to advertise that. Doesn’t involve manipulating our minds into buying the products.

Subliminal messages are messages that are either auditory or visual which is presented below the normal limits of perception. An example of a subliminal messages would be that a message might be inaudible to the conscious mind but may be audible to the unconscious mind, in this case a deeper part of your mind. Subliminal messages may also be in other cases an image that is unperceived but will be perceived deeper in your mind. To put in simpler terms, subliminal messages are basically hypnotism that many companies may use to encourage people to buy the product they 're selling.
According to the article "The Influence of Subliminal Messages", it states that subliminal messages can influence our attitudes and behavior. Also, under certain circumstances of course, subliminal messages may or may not have the

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