
Subliminal Messages In Advertising

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Advertising Using Subliminal Messages to Promote Food Products
There have been studies showing how subject’s mood and behavior changed when exposed to subliminal messages. These studies have looked at if subliminal messages could influence our desires (Benoit & Tomas, 1992). Advertising agencies really benefit from subliminal messages because of the affects they cause. In a study by Talbot and Duberstein (1991), they revealed that subjects who are exposed to subliminal food messages were more likely to eat than subjects who were not. This research can help other people to know what to watch and what not to watch. This literature review will look at how subliminal messages in advertising (such as commercials, billboards, magazine ads, etc.) can change our behavior and/or mood and it will also look at how this could affect our eating habits. This is an important question because we are exposed to it all the time and we need to know how it’s affecting our lives. Literature Review
Treimer and Simonson (1988) did a study where they took a handful of undergraduate and graduate students who responded to their ads. The study measured how much weight the participants lost after watching a certain video. Half the participants were to watch a video that had some sort of subliminal message in them. The other half were to watch a video that had no subliminal message. Each video was 22 minutes long and the participants had food choices in front of them after the video. The results were

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