
Standard 2: 2a-1 Instructional Leadership

Decent Essays

Identifying the Stretch Points for Collegial’s Teams from the Skillful Leader II by Alexander D. Platt, et al. helps to illustrate a common problem plaguing todays educational leaders. Administrators need to find ways to unite the leaders and teams on campus to work towards a common shared vision, even when all grade-level teams or departments might not be high-functioning, skilled, cooperative, and reflective. In this specific scenario, Principal Modest needs to start by focusing on Standard 2: 2A-1 Instructional leadership by establishing coherent, research-based professional learning aligned with organizational vision and goals for educator and student growth. Also, 2B-1 Develop a shared understanding of adopted standards based curriculum that reflects student content and performance expectations. Principal Modest needs to promote a safe culture in which staff engage in collective professional learning. …show more content…

Furthermore, instructional rounds can be utilized to help propel the team towards a shared vision. This practice utilizes common elements of focused improvement. Rounds support teachers in their understanding of what is happening in classrooms, how and why we produce certain effects, and devise a plan on how we can move closer to producing the learning that is intended. The rounds should not be evaluative and help peers keep one another accountable. These small changes and implementations incorporate

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