
Spinach Chloroplast Lab Report

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Before the experiment was conducted, a chloroplast solution was created which was comprised of deveined spinach leaves. Deveining the leaves cuts off the supply of food and water that is carried to the leaves and the veins do not carry as much chloroplast compared to the leaves. The leaves were placed under a lamp to absorb any remaining fluids and then added to a blender that had been chilled to slow down respiration of the spinach leaves and enzymatic processes within the spinach leaves that cause browning. The solution was blended in three 10-second bursts after a .5 M sucrose solution was added to the spinach leaves. Blending was done to eliminate cell walls and sucrose was added to create an isotonic solution in which the chloroplasts shape was able to remain the same. The short bursts decrease the amount of heat released from the act of blending, which would inhibit enzymes from functioning. The solution was poured through three layers of cheesecloth into a chilled beaker, which allows for a majority of the liquid to flow through while separating larger particles and material such as the cell wall. Some of …show more content…

Three test tubes were acquired and, before adding the three drops of unboiled chloroplasts, were given 0mL, .5mL, and 2mL of phosphate buffer respectively. After the chloroplasts were added, the same process as stated above for measuring transmittance was done. There were three controls in this experiment: the boiled chloroplasts were used with the assumption that they are unable to photosynthesize which will demonstrate the functionality and purpose of the chloroplasts in plant cells; one sample of unboiled chloroplast solution was stored in the dark to account for the effects light has in the process of photosynthesis; and the unboiled chloroplasts are a control for the variable of pH tested in this

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