
Speak: Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson

Decent Essays

Ermalyn Dinkel Mrs. Barnett English 1 23 October 2015 Speak Melinda's a troubled high schooler who has had difficulties fitting into her freshman class. She is also having trouble finding her identity due to some unfortunate events during the summer. In Laurie Halse Anderson's novel, speak, Melinda the main character is assigned an art project. She is asked to study drawing and research trees throughout the year. Melinda takes this project very seriously, her artwork is the only ways she communicates her emotions to the outside world. Melinda is very attached to her trees, she is very much alike them in the way that she grows with confidence and blooms into a wonderful student. At the beginning of the year when Melinda is first assigned to draw trees, she has some difficulty, " I take out a page of notebook paper and a pen and doodle a tree, my second grade version, crumple it into a ball and take out another sheet. How hard can it be to put a tree on a piece of paper?"(32) because this is Melinda's first tree she has trouble she does not quite understand the meaning and the be behind …show more content…

This one is not perfectly symmetrical. The bark is rough. I try to make it look as if initials had been carved in it a long time ago one of the lower branches is sick. If this tree really lives someplace, that branch better drop soon, so it does not kill the whole thing"(196). This tree shows that Melinda is beginning to feel better about her situation. This is after she talked to Rachel about Andy, what he did to her, why she called the cops. The one dead branch represents how at first when Melinda tells Rachel about Andy, she does not believe her. Rachel thinks Melinda is jealous. However at prom Rachel leaves Andy because she hears from other girls what Andy has done to them. Melinda was not

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