
Sociology : The Function Of Sociology

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Sociology Observation Essay
Sociology is the study of development and functioning of humans in society, in other words how a person reacts in a certain situation. Although hard to understand, sociology has many important points that add into the development of someones personality, values, religion, education, etc. As Pierre Bourdieu once said “The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.” In this case, the social group that I had studied for 24 hours had many different life stories that you can tell just by how they socially interacted with each other. I had chosen a group to watch on my track team, the group consisted of long jumpers, high jumpers, and pole vaulters called the “jump squad”. The group together consisted of 7 people: Tyler Brown, Azarael Rodriguez, Trevor Alexander, Isaac Tyler, Jordan Anderson, Whitney Quandt, and Madison Runion. I chose that specific group because it consisted of so many different personalities and characteristics. I will be discussing the groups’ personality, some of their values, socialization efforts, and lastly how this group has influenced my behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
Some of the values that defined this social group are teamwork and hard work put into practices which is how they go about their lives. The individual people in the group have some values which they share in each other like being a better athlete, taking care of their bodies, and eating right. They represent their highest

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