
Sociology In Sociology

Decent Essays

Sociology is the study of groups of people and how society interacts with them. There are many people out there that have done research or contributed in some way to sociology. Not just on people, but things like religions, countries, genders, race, and many more. Many things play in the role to form us and our society. Here in America, we have Trump as our president and we eat burgers and french fries, but over in japan they grow lots of their own food and eat it like potatoes with vegetables and chicken. Different things happen around the world and we just can’t seem to think there is other things out there than what we just do or what we call ourselves and so forth. We don’t think about how our society affects us and how we affect society. Society can affect us in a positive way or even a negative way. A positive way society can influence us is if the president said all schools in the United States have to have extra curricular activities and the government will fund it. This could be great for a poor boy in San Joaquin, California who really wanted to be on the track and field team, but his school did not have it because they couldn’t afford it. This would have kept him out of trouble in the past, but when it finally was available by the government, he joined and it kept him out of trouble and he worked much harder in school. A negative way society can impact us is Obama's health care act. Now that they are trying to get rid of it, many people will have to go without

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