
Social Class Vs Upper-Upper Class

Decent Essays

At top of class structure is rich/wealthy, otherwise called, upper-upper class. They are also referred to as old rich because they have held their wealth for generations and have in-group solidarity. They belong to exclusive clubs, attend exclusive boarding school, own multiple houses, individuals make more than 1 million dollars per year. Their children intermarry and the members of upper-upper class vacation together in exclusive resorts in different parts of the world.
The second layer is a lower-upper class which is composed of the new rich. The new rich differ from the old rich in prestige, not necessarily in wealth. The new rich are not accepted by the elite, because of their different lifestyles. Typically, lower-upper class people are self-made wealthy such as …show more content…

They work as salespeople, secretaries, clerks, police officers and teachers and their income ranges from $40,000-60,000. They cannot afford to travel abroad can only take domestic vacations. They usually don’t require graduate degree or Ph.D. and have the relatively average standard of living.
Upper-lower class or working class are blue-collar workers who don’t have education beyond high school. They work repetitive jobs, cannot travel, they have poor conditions for child care and medical care. They live in bad neighborhoods, surrounded by crime and they don’t have social mobility. The household income ranges from $20,000-40,000.
Lower-lower class is composed of unskilled laborers whose formal education is less than high school. They are typically unemployed and they usually work for low wages, no fringe benefits or job security. Minority groups such as African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans are found in this class. They are considered no desirable for marriage, organizational membership, friendship and presumed to be lazy and immoral. The household income is below

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