
Slavery In America

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The slavery has one the greatest contributions to the history of the united states, American started slavery back when the new world was discovered. When slavery had just begun to evolve the United States were known as colonies of the New World. In 1619, Dutch introduce slavery to America, starting the seeds of a slavery system that developed into a nightmare of abuse and torture that would eventually divide the nation. Slavery was practiced in America throughout the American colonies in the 17-18th centuries. During 1850, around 3.2 million slaves labored in the United States and 1.8 million of whom worked in the cotton fields(U.S. History, 2014, May 07). Slaves faced arbitrary power abuses from whites, but they can sometimes cope with what's going on. For example, slaves …show more content…

Slavery in America began in the 17th century and it was continued to practice for about next 250 years by the colonies and states. The majority of the slaves were Africa, the slaves worked in the production of tobacco crops and later, cotton. With the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 along with the growing demand for the product in Europe, the slaves become the basis of its economy (Andrea Curry, May 2007). The majority of the slaves lived in small plantations or large farms. Slaveholder owned less than 50 slaves, slaves children from learning how to read and write. Most of the slave female will experience sexual abuse from their masters. Originally slaves were brought from Africa, but by the time of the Civil War many people were born into slavery and knew no other life. The southern laws did not allow slaves marriages, sometimes their master children them to get married but sometimes slaves couples faced the prospect of being sold away to different buyers. Children were often take away from their parents and sold. Slaves parent show their children the best way to survive under slavery. This meant teaching them to be discreet, submissive and

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