
Slavery During The 19th Century Essay

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American’s who live in the 21st century know that slavery is terrible and also a touchy subject. But Americans used to rely heavily on slavery, how we perceive slavery in today’s society can either be the same or different from how others thought of slavery living within mid 1800s. People who resided in the northern region of American found slavery wrong as we do today. Americans who lived farther south however liked, and relied on slavery. In today’s world, we Americans almost all agree that slavery had been a negative factor of our country. But within the 1840s and 1870s, Americans had been divided by slavery. People that were against slavery created the union as the pro slavery citizens created the confederates. Today, we can see why people of the mid 19th century either supported slavery or rebelled against it by reviewing sources.
The sources used to show how Americans thought of slavery comes from multiple chapters within the Sources for America’s History. Some of which, reflect some authors or speakers opinions as other are written observations or recorded council meetings. As stated, these are opinions respectively giving by the authors that can be either pro or anti abolishment enthusiast. Some of the abolitionist consist of David Walker, with his preamble to Walker’s Appeal in Four Articles (1830). Ethan Andrews was a professor of ancient languages at the University at the University of North Carolina. Ethan recorded his experiences with slave and slave owners as

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