
Slavery Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Acquiring new land in the west brought about many arguments regarding the issue of slavery. The main problem was whether or not slavery should be allowed in the new western territories. Due to this issue, any further expansion was halted. Slavery was a huge issue between the north and south. Each region had their own strong opinions. These opinions made it difficult for the two political parties to earn approval from the vast beliefs from all the different religions. Northerners opposed the idea of slavery in the western land. They believed that if slavery was allowed in the new territories that wealthy southern farmers would purchase the land to create large plantations. Additionally, northerners preferred not to co-exist with African Americans, …show more content…

The idea was to prevent slavery from entering any new western territories. Congress struggles to pass the law. Each party continued to argue the reasons while slavery should and should not be introduced. The idea of popular sovereignty was also introduced. The idea was to allow the residents of each area to vote whether or not they wanted to allow slavery. The Free Soil Party was born to further push the idea around the Wilmot Proviso. This group disputed the fact that Southerners were neglecting the development progress for the north. The Southerners wished to continue their way of life without upgrading any ways of life which prevented expanding access to the west. When it came time to decide whether California would be a free or slave state, a compromise was necessary to keep the balance between the states. Therefore, The Compromise of 1850 was introduced. The idea was to keep the parties from further separating. In this compromise, California would be a free state. However, any remaining land won during the war would be allowed to vote on the issue of slavery once they became a state. Texas would not be allowed to influence the surrounding area when it came to slavery and the government would enforce a strict fugitive slave

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